
December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Before making it inside to ask permission to do some photography at the thrift store, my eye was caught by this classic trike resting out next to all the other bikes. I didn’t expect to get an image like this, as I anticipated them all being taken indoors. Seeing this red three-wheeler brought back so many childhood memories. My sister DaNel had the same one, and just like everything else in our childhood lives’ that dealt with size, it was passed down the ranks to myself and then on to Jennifer. I immediately pictured one of us pedaling and another standing on the back, hanging on to the other’s shoulders. I can’t help but laugh at the thought of us girls trying the same thing today! This was the last image I snapped before heading home. I wasn’t quite satisfied with shooting it under the awning next to the other bikes where I found it, so I grabbed it and placed it in the nearby fresh snow. 




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Just in case the detailed picture wasn’t enough, I loved how this old, antique of a container states exactly what it was intended for. Rust is always an intriguing addition to an object, big or small, and one that adds not only character but defines the care that object has received over time. For this image, I moved this small tin to a place on the purple shelf where some of the paint was chipped away, making for a nice comparison.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Since being in the fourth grade, the eligible age for 4-H, I have been sewing. You would laugh out loud to see some of the dated outfits my sister’s and I came up with over our many years of not only sewing, but also modeling the clothes we made, another funny sight! I was born into a family of seamstresses, and despite not making anything using a sewing machine for many years now, I am grateful for the skill. I should also share that I have ripped out as many seams as I got right the first time, thanks to my Gram, my mom and several aunts who wouldn’t settle for anything less than doing it right! Coming across this at the thrift store and knowing what would be under the hard case, I removed the cover and was reminded of all those precious times. Don’t forget to hold the thread!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

This particular room of the thrift store had shelves that were mostly bare. On one of those nearly empty shelves sat this lovely blue teapot. I didn’t move it, just saw it, pulled my camera up to my eye and clicked the shutter. I didn’t think about it at the time, but I wonder what year this shade of blue was considered the in-style color for kitchens. I also wonder if it was before or after the 1970s, burnt orange shade I was blessed to grow up with in my mother’s kitchen.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Who doesn’t associate something in their childhood with a bottle of soda, even if it is the look of the glass bottle alone, or the feel of gripping an ice cold one. I think you might agree that they are just so much cooler than a can of soda. I didn’t grow up on Coca-Cola, but rather their delicious competition…Pepsi! Let me also mention the vivid memories, even before Pepsi took over in our family refrigerator, during my early, early childhood, I distinctly remember my Mom’s addiction to the pink can, that being none other than Tab! I don’t remember, did Tab ever come in a bottle? Anyways, it was fun running across this 6-pack while sifting the shelves for interesting things.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

So I have talked a lot throughout my project about my Mom’s side of the family, and I suppose that is because of growing up so near those relatives, however anyone from my Dad’s side should be able to see this image and immediately think of one person…My Grandma Geri! My Dad’s mother loved owls and that was so easily proven by stepping into her home and taking in all the small figurines, pictures, dish towels, etc. that were splashed in every corner of every room. When I saw this, I simply couldn’t resist! My Dad’s parents lived in Jacksonville, Oregon, just 20 minutes from Applegate. They too were very involved in us kids’ lives, and I am so thankful to have grown up with that support and all they added to my life! This image could perhaps be used on a card with an inside greeting of “Guess Who Is ________?” You fill in the blank!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

When I saw this little, doll-sized chair in the toy room of the thrift store, it had a resemblance of another one of my images, #31. Again, sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to some of these images, other than they might remind someone of something, or perhaps be offered as a little slice of humor into someone’s day. This just happened to be the smallest wicker chair I had ever seen, and monochromatic thing going on, with it resting on the pressboard shelf, caught my eye.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

I am not sure who would walk into a thrift store and buy someone’s old, by this point, barely recognizable spices, but they were for sale. In this case they were contained in a rustic small cabinet, so perhaps that was the appeal. When I walked up and opened the small doors by their pinkie-sized knobs, much like several of these images, I could picture the image in a frame on a kitchen backsplash or behind the stove. The thing I loved the most was the medical tape someone used to wrap around some of the bottles, relabeling the contents. Creative!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Remember when it was the norm to use fake flowers for wedding? It really doesn’t seem that long ago to me, but at the same time I can’t imagine not using real flowers for such a special day. (And someday I will – but that’s a whole other story!) Anyways, tucked back in one of the corners of the thrift store I found a section of arts and crafty things, and in abundance among all of it, were fake flowers. I finally got this bunch loose and with one hand held them up against some purple piece of paper that was in front of a window. This was not the first time I used fake flowers for imagery, but never have I shot them so close-up. I think the title along with the image say something more profound than the image alone.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

There are some things that seem to make their way to thrift stores faster and in greater quantities than others, and it has to be – all things kitchen. When I saw this tiny pan, and to be honest, it was so small I don’t know what it would be used for, but it also reminded me of a previous image, Just A Teaspoon, #10. It was sitting there all alone, away from all the other pans…poor thing! While in post-production, and thinking about image #10, I decided to exaggerate the saturation and push into another monochromatic picture, like we know I love!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Now what should I say for this image? There are so many directions I could take it. I could talk about coming from a family of hunters, I could talk about the few but enjoyable times I have gone target shooting, or I could talk about crime and how some people think that it is inappropriate for children to play with toy guns. Since I disagree with the last part, I won’t go there, but rather give you this…I saw it on the shelf, I played with it and the point of view, and wound up really liking the focus being placed on the cap’s crosshairs and then falling off towards the handle. As far as some big meaning, well there isn’t one, it is just a random object “shot” in an interesting way.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

This old cash register was sitting on the floor, almost out of sight. It took me kneeling down and pushing some things aside to really appreciate it. Being money-colored, very close to what you see here, certainly dates it but also says “your money goes in here.” Speaking of kid toys, old cash registers, preferably ones whose drawer still pops open, make great toys for children. I remember being fascinated with pretending to be a banker, whether it was playing Monopoly or helping my Mom ring up customers at her job. Since this project, among other things, is about debt and the power money can have over our lives, it seemed appropriate that this one make the cut.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Here is another image where I didn’t touch or rearrange anything on the shelf, I walked by it, backed up and thought to myself, “that might look cool.” (And that is exactly how it usually goes!) If you look closely at the reflection in the stem of the wine glass, you can make out the religious picture, or so I think, that was on the red bottle behind it. This reminds me of the first time I really saw this upside-down imagery through a wine glass. It was not too long after arriving in Santa Barbara while at the Art Walk along Cabrillo Street. I am not sure if the man still sets this up or not, he also sold creative photographs of the concept, but he had a wine glass set out with water in it, and when you put the glass between you and another person, you could see their distorted reflection. Simple and often quite humorous!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Remember the bare-shelved room I talked about with Image #64 of the blue teapot, this old, flatbed truck was in the same room. Now that I think about it, I don’t know why it wasn’t back in the room with all the other toys, but maybe if it were I wouldn’t have seen it. There was also a toy dump truck, similar condition, sitting near it, I just preferred the result of this image better. This toy, probably from my childhood era, reminded me of all the good times my siblings, cousins and I had riding our toy trucks, jeeps and cars down the various hills around the house. It was all about getting dirty!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

So what is so interesting about a shelf with a bunch of old glass cups on it? To be honest, I don’t know, but there was something about the way the light was hitting these glass balls that made up the handles of these particular ones that had my attention. I also liked the point of view and how the same glasses sparkled at an angle from the one in focus. The flaw in the shelf also creates a distraction for the eye, that which has no parallels to life or anything else for that matter, but well, it is just interesting.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

I firmly believe in the power of prayer, and also firmly believe that sometimes it is unanswered prayers that in retrospect are the greatest blessings. This three inch carved, wooden doll was sitting on a shelf, not too far from the owl in Image #66. I was recently given a gift of something quite similar from a dear friend, and just saw this image as a reminder to pray, much like the intent of the gift I was given. Sometimes we need reminders!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Every time I see a piano like this in a somewhat of a public place, I always wish I had the talent to sit down and just start playing something. Besides the guitar, the piano is an instrument I would absolutely love to learn. What a story I am sure this one could tell, from all the people who have sat in front of it, the songs it has shared, and the emotions it has evoked. I am not sure how someone could own such a piano and then give it up…and that makes me wonder what that person was going through in their life to no longer have the need for such a beautiful thing.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

So here we are back in the toy room where I found this little white horse. I didn’t see it until about my third time walking back into the room to see if I had missed anything interesting. It is completely random, and that is what I like most about it. As far as an image goes, I do like the way the white lattice in the background creates somewhat of a barrier or cage, and also the way the outside light jumping through the lattice illuminates the horse’s profile. Sometimes it just that small amount of light that gives hope for things to come!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

The sporting goods room of the thrift store burned up at least one full card with images. This glove, along with many that weren’t so old and used, was piled up in one of the corners, and then I found this ball in a bin dedicated to only balls. At first I shot them both separately, but didn’t really see a good image until I put them together, as they should be. I picked both of them up and set them on the wood floor, squatted down and started firing my shutter. Many people came into the room while doing this, each wondering what the heck I was up to. I told some, but some I just let wonder!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

In the same room was this old leather bag of clubs. Again, I took many shots of all angles, but when I got close enough to look down on the clubs, I saw they had these numbers impressed into the bottoms. Not being a golfer, I don’t really know what they mean, but when I saw them I knew the angle I needed to shoot was from above. So I guessed the focus, played with it until I had something sharp, and got the shot by holding my camera well above my head overtop the bag.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

It would have been great to shoot this car on some kind of a toy track, but even with it just sitting on the shelf, with the focus on the dashboard, gave me about five minutes of humorous, reflective shooting. There have been many times, as many of my stories reveal, where I am sitting behind my Honda’s steering wheel, driving along an open road clicking the shutter. I am really looking forward to my car reaching 300,000 miles and having my camera ready to record the rollover. I chose this image as a celebration of that and also because so many of my great ideas in life have come while in my car. It is really hard to beat an adventurous road trip.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

This sort of shot is what I expected to achieve before I even set foot into the thrift store and walked among its many treasures. There are so people who collect salt and pepper shakers, or who are very particular about the ones they have on their tables. Of the many that found their way into this secondhand store, these were the most interesting!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Going back to Image #80, this is the bag that those clubs were in. The entire bag was vintage and well worn, but when I noticed this flag tag rest of the bag became less interesting. It wasn’t until I took the image and was looking at it on the back of my camera that I realized the color scheme happening in the background. The white is a shelf, and the red and blue were object found on the shelf below…just a fun coincidence!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

Who doesn’t remember seeing one of these spoons in a drawer or propped up in a utensil container on the counter of their mother’s kitchen? I think every kitchen I have ever been in has had a big silver spoon like this. I found this one in a pile of similar items and rested it up against the wall. The image was taken as a vertical, but I preferred the way it looked as a horizontal. I enhanced the colors in the reflections to give a little more life to the image.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

When I saw this wooden cut-out of the state of Texas, cow skull included, I couldn’t help but think about the road trip I took about seven years ago from Oregon to Texas helping one of my cousin’s move his family. It was the one and only time I have set foot in the state, but what a great trip. It was the first time I had ever heard of or seen an aoudad, this amazingly beautiful burnt red animal, which looks like a cross between a big horn sheep and a small cow. Speaking of firsts, before I fully agreed to help drive, I made my cousin promise that on the return trip we go to the Grand Canyon, and we did! This skull also reminded me of the one found tucked in between the barbed wire of my Gram’s garden gate and the charcoal drawing I did of it in high school.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

I could do an entire month of just coffee related images. Regardless of the many I have already used for the project, I liked this one so much I decided to include it anyways. These cups were stacked up on the top shelf in one of the hallways. This was another shot where I didn’t have to move the objects to create a more interesting point of view. I liked them just the way they were!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

I believe there were several women in my family who had and probably still have this exact iron. I mean sure, they might not be using them anymore, but I bet they can still be found somewhere in one of their cupboards. The blue, fabric wrapped cord was one thing I distinctly remember from the one my Mom had. What does this image inspire? The answer can be found in the title…and so onward I will press!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

I had really hoped I would find this image somewhere in the thrift store. Luckily I am nosey enough to open cabinets and pull open drawers, otherwise I would have missed it. A white dresser was used to house all of these utensils, each drawer dedicated to either spoons, forks or knives. This was another moment during my two-hour shoot where I had people walking by wondering what I could possibly be doing. I was taking spoonfuls!




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

The next drawer down in the dresser, each weighing about 50 pounds, were the forks. It was fun to find some very familiar looking ones. It was my intention while taking these three silverware images that they go well together as a possible triptych. Although the image doesn’t change much when converted to black and white, I chose to offer them this way.




December 2007 - Post Falls, Idaho

The series wouldn’t have been complete without this image. I had to move a few around to create a more interesting arrangement, and if you are ever in a quiet thrift store and you want to bring some attention to yourself, let me suggest you also do this! You don’t realize the loud cling clanging sound this makes until you pick about ten up and drop them into a pile of about 500 others. I chalked it up to me doing whatever it takes to get the shot!

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